Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is when your jaw clicks and you may or may not have pain. You may notice you may have sore jaw muscles, pain with eating, frequent headaches, and even pain with opening or closing your mouth. Some types of TMJ problems can lead to more serious conditions, that is why early detection and treatment is important. There are many causes of TMJ pain. You may have TMJ dysfunction due to grinding or clenching your teeth at night, have unbalanced cervical musculature due to dysfunction of your neck (Cervical spine), or may have a misaligned bite. At La Starza Wellness in Melbourne, Florida we offer many different techniques and protocols for TMJ. To learn more, contact us at (321) 230-7071 or book online to schedule a TMJ consultation.
Mon: 8am–12pm | 3pm-5pm
Tues: 8am–12pm
Wed: 8am–12pm | 3pm-6pm
Thur: 8am–12pm | 3pm-6pm
Fri/Sat/Sun: Closed
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