Are you a Melbourne, Florida - area resident and have radiating pain going down your leg? Does your sciatic pain prevent you from doing the things you love? At La Starza Wellness Chiropractic, our Chiropractors have a wide range of state of the art diagnostic and treatment services to office you when dealing with the symptoms of sciatica. Learn how we can help you avoid surgery and reduce the need for medications.
The sciatic nerves come from the lower back and go all the way to your feet. Sciatica is from the sciatic nerve being pinched. You may have symptoms of pain down the leg, burning, numbness, tingling, weakness and loss of muscle strength, and even changes in reflexes.
Having sciatica can prevent you from living a healthy and active lifestyle. If you need immediate relief from your sciatica, and want to avoid prescription medications and surgery, contact La Starza Wellness Chiropractic, in Melbourne, FL today by calling 321-230-7071 to schedule your consultation.
Mon: 8am–12pm | 3pm-5pm
Tues: 8am–12pm
Wed: 8am–12pm | 3pm-6pm
Thur: 8am–12pm | 3pm-6pm
Fri/Sat/Sun: Closed
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